Apple has been found to have been intentionally slowing down iPhones over the years. Due to these accusations against the world-renowned Apple company, a fee of $500-million will be paid to make things right. The reason provided for this act of “slowing down”, was to boost the sales of new iPhone models.
In Apple’s defense, the company stated that they made these performance reductions in line with the studied decline of battery strength. It was kind of a way to balance performance levels with battery life. Not until early 2018 did prices for changing iPhone batteries drop from a whopping $79 to $29.
Settlement Breakdown
The breakdown of the estimated $500-million is as follows. Based on directives from the United States District Court, the company was ordered to settle all buyers that had purchased slowed down phones with a sum of $25 per person. All this together makes up the total $500-million estimate to be paid.
The affected models whose users are to be settled, with a fee of $25, are the iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6S, 6S Plus, 7, 7 Plus, and iPhone SE models from the 21st of December, 2017. The recipients of this settlement are residents of the United States.
Apple Inc. has also received a barrage of accusations, pertaining to the issue of slowing down iPhones, from other organizations. Regardless of the company stating, in self-defense, that their reason for slowing down iPhones was to make them last longer, a settlement of about $27 million has been demanded.
Among the organizations fining Apple Inc. is the Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs, and Fraud Prevention.
Why is Apple Slowing Down Old iPhones?
As against what Apple said in its self-defense; that they reduced device performance with respect to battery life, and to make the phones last longer, most people think otherwise. They believe that the slowing down iPhones were a way for Apple to boost the sales of newer models.
According to Apple, they had to make the iPhones slower in performance so as to fix a certain battery problem. This problem was that certain iPhone models would suddenly go off. This is because the batteries were not giving off as much current as needed for smooth running. The automatic switching off was a protective measure against possible hardware damage.
This process of slowing down iPhones was exposed to the general public. This happened when one iPhone owner left some reviews on Reddit. In the review, the customer said he had noticed how his 6S reduced in performance speed over some time. The phone got faster when the old battery was changed to a new one.
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The company has continued to slow down other models since 2017 when the truth about the process first came out. Some of these slowed down models are devices from iPhone 6 to iPhone XS.
The difference now is that you will be adequately informed when your iPhone’s battery life reduces and the phone is to be slowed down.
According to Apple Inc., the slowing down of more recent iPhone models is not so much due to the fact that there have also been upgrades to both their software and hardware.
A Fine of 25$ for each iPhone
Recipients of the $25 settlement fee are owners of the iPhone 6, 6-Plus, 6s, 6s-Plus, 77, 7-Plus, and iPhone SE models from the 21st of December, 2017.
Although, Apple says that they are only paying the $500-million settlement fee to avoid further conflict; the company did not accept that they committed an offense by implementing the “slowing down” updates.
The $500 million settlement fee is a huge sum of money that Apple Inc. has to pay – as ordered by the United States District Court. This estimated fee is a summation of the individual $25 settlements that will be given to certain iPhone users in the US. The finalization of the order is being awaited.
In Apple’s defense, they only made this performance management updates to support degrading battery life in old iPhones. It was supposed to generally help the devices last longer. Those who own newer iPhone models will get notifications whenever performance management is about to be activated.
If you have any questions on this topic – slowing down iPhones – please feel free to comment below.