How VPNs Protect User Privacy?

Ever wondered how VPNs protect user privacy?

For one thing, a VPN offers a solution that eliminates web tracking.

Out of the best VPN services on the market, you have contenders as IPVanish, ExpressVPN, NordVPN, SpiderVPN, and PureVPN.

Here’s how VPNs protect user privacy, especially the ones mentioned above:

  • VPNs hide your actual location and IP address
  • They provide data encryption services which effectively scrambles your data so that it’s virtually unrecognizable
  • The VPN services package your data into a mini-capsule so that it can travel through a private tunnel

To learn about how VPNs operate, we’re going to look at some of their basic functions. And maybe fit in a quick intro to the history of the Internet.

The main objective of the Internet is to facilitate the efficient transportation of data packets. The main execution method for this idea is to transfer data through the Internet Protocol. This is basically the framework through which data packets move through and around the Internet.

A Brief History

In the old days, computer servers had to travel across long distances. The main objective was to keep the stream of information flowing. The failure of a single network node meant that the data packet would have to seek another node. Things like security data were not a priority back then. The main focus was to move data from point A to point B.

Attention: Read before you continue

Governments and ISPs across the world monitor their users online activities. If found streaming or browsing content on your Fire TV Stick, mobile or PC, you could get into serious trouble.

Currently, the following information is visible: 

  • Your IP:
  • Your Country:
  • Your City:
  • Your ISP:

If this is your real information, you need to use a VPN to protect your identity.

We strongly recommend you to get a good VPN and hide your identity so that your online experience doesn’t take a bad turn.
We use IPVanish which is the fastest and most secure VPN in the industry. It is very easy to install on any device including Amazon Fire TV Stick. Also, it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you don’t like their service, you can always ask for a refund. IPVanish also runs a limited time offer where you can save 74% on your VPN and they allow you to use one account on unlimited devices.

This is a flash sale that can expire at any time!

Click Here for IPVanish VPN

Here are the reasons why you must use a VPN all the time.

Is Internet Safe?

The Internet is largely unsafe and most online services will transmit your data without applying any form of security measure. For instance, logging into your online banking portal is a no-no when using a public network such as the one from your local library or café. While the website’s own internal server is safe, the information can be accessed by pretty much anyone. This is all while moving between your servers and said website.

The MDN Web Docs website, which is responsible for the Firefox browser, likens the Internet to a road. According to this analogy, you have a client on the one end of the road, while the other end of the road is where the server is. The server as a destination is like a shop which has your desired item. Whenever you input a web address, it’s like you’re making your way to the shop.

This analogy perfectly explains how VPNs protect user privacy as well. Using a VPN is like shopping at night while wearing a trench coat, dark glasses and a large hat that completely obscures your identity.

That’s because a VPN puts your request packets through an encrypted original point so that it hides data and IP address from sight. The VPN software is also responsible for sending data packets to the intended destination. Then it sends it to the website server which is public. The data travels through the same process when coming back.

Put simply through the Mozilla analogy, this process is similar to hiring someone else to go to the store on your behalf while making sure that they’re dressed to completely avoid detection as well.

What is IPS?

IPS stands for intrusion prevention system. It checks for policy violations, security threats, and malicious activities. The main aim of an IPS is to spot suspicious activity. From there, a report is compiled in order to block further violations. IPS systems are also known as intrusion detection prevention systems or IDPS.

An IPS can come in the form of software or hardware device. It’s based on ensuring that traffic travels safely from point A to point B.

In a sense, IDPS systems are basically a part of intrusion detection systems. The main difference between the two systems is that intrusion prevention systems are meant to prevent or block intrusions that have already been identified while intrusion detection systems are there to actually spot the interference.

For instance, an IPS has the ability to literally drop malicious packets effectively getting rid of the traffic as well as the IP address.

Not that you know how VPNs protect user privacy, will you try one?

We highly recommend IPVanish for its ability to hide your identity and location through cutting-edge encryption technology, a no-logs policy and thousands of different global servers to choose from.  

Let us know in the comments below what you use to protect your online privacy.


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