Speaking of features, the Kodi 19 update has plenty to go around. First, the audio playback has been improved massively.
There’s better metadata handling, library improvement, better displays, and so much more. You’ll also get improved matrix-inspired visualization.
Kodi 19 also has better video playback features. One thing we noticed is that the new software comes with better AV1 software decoding.
You will also love that the new update features HLG HDR and Static HDR10 playback on Windows 10 and improved OpenGL bicubic scalers. These are some of the best Kodi 19 Matrix new features on the update so be sure to try them out.
The update also does very well with Game Playback. First, integer scaling is now included to help improve viewing quality for Pixel Art games. The update also supports PlayStation Bluetooth game controllers.
You’ll also love the user interface as part of the Kodi 19 Matrix New Features. The screen looks sleeker, plus you also get better metadata displays and updated GUI controls.
Other features to note include PVR reminders, navigation, and dialog controls, performance improvements, additional home screen widgets, context menus, and so much more.